

Features of multi-output switching power supply

    1. Generally, only one output voltage is regulated, and the other voltages are unregulated.

    2. The voltage of the unregulated output will change with the load of its own way (load adjustment rate), and will also be affected by the size of other loads (cross adjustment rate).The general regular change of unregulated output is: when the load current of its own increases, the output voltage decreases, and when the load current of other circuits increases, the output voltage increases.

    3. The power of the power supply refers to the rated power of the whole machine. For the specific output of each channel, please refer to the manual in detail, and use it within the scope of the manual.

    4. Some things between the multiple outputs of the power supply are isolation and non-isolation, and some are common ground and non-common ground, which should be selected according to actual needs.

    5. The power supply with multiple outputs may need to be loaded in order to adjust the output voltage of the unregulated output.

Application points that should be paid attention to for multiple output switches

    1. Carefully evaluate the voltage and power range required by each channel of the system, not only to evaluate the maximum power, but also to evaluate the minimum power. In this way, you can accurately evaluate the fluctuation range of each output voltage when you choose a multi-output switching power supply, and avoid the output being too low or too high, causing the system to work abnormally.

    2. Fully evaluate the power consumption of each channel of the system, and after getting the power supply sample, it must be tested and verified on the machine.

    3. Generally, the load of each channel should not be less than 10% lo. If the actual minimum power of the system is lower than 10% lo, it is recommended to add a fake load.

Post time: Mar-08-2022